The effectiveness of green betel leaf (Piper bettle Linn) extract hand sanitizer gel in reducing bacterial colonies on the palm hand of dental clinical clerkship student
Efektivitas gel hand sanitizer ekstrak daun sirih hijau (Piper bettle Linn) mengurangi koloni bakteri pada telapak tangan mahasiswa kepaniteraan klinis kedokteran gigi
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of using green betel leaf (Piper bettle Linn) extract hand sanitizer gel in reducing the number of bacterial colonies in the palms of hand. Method: In this experimental research with posttest only with control group de-sign using dental clinical clerkship students of Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Sumatera Utara. They were evenly divided into 5 groups. They were chlorhexidine gel (group 1), 1% green betel leaf extract (group 2), 3% green betel leaf extract (group 3), 5% green betel leaf extract (group 4), and use of placebo (group 5). Bacterial colonies isolated from the swabs were identified by stan-dard microbiological procedures. All statistical analysis methods were conducted using the one-way Anova and posthoc LSD tests. Results: The results of univariate analysis showed that sig <0.05, meaning that there was a difference in the number of bac-terial colonies between chlorhexidine, 1%, 3%, and 5% green betel extract gel. The one-way Anova test at 95% confidence level proved that the differences are significant at p-value 0,001. Conclusion: There is a difference in the effectiveness of using a hand sanitizer for green betel leaf extract on the number of bacterial colonies in the palms of hand. Hand sanitizer green betel leaf extract gel 5% more effective than 1% and 3% concentrations.
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