Treatment of Class I Kennedy lower jaw with precision attachment

Perawatan kasus Kelas I Kennedy rahang bawah dengan precision attachment

  • Melisa Postgraduate Program, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. Dr. Moestopo University
  • Laura Susanti Himawan Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: free end, edentulous, precision attachment


Background: Rehabilitation of Kennedy Class I edentulous involves a variety of treatment alternatives such as overdenture, metal frame removable partial denture, RPD with precision attachment and implants. The combination of RPD and fixed dent-ture using precision attachment or semi-precision is one of the best forms of RPD. Case: A 59-year-old male came to the RSGM FKG UI clinic. He wants to have new denture to eat more comfortable and improve his appearance. Management: Anamnesis, extra-oral and intra oral examinations, and panoramic x-ray were performed. After that, bridge was removed, periapical x-ray and definitive treatment was determined using metal frame RPD in upper jaw and RPD with precision attachment in lower jaw. Conclusion: Patient feels satisfied and comfortable with his dentures both in upper and lower jaw with precision attachments.
